Exports more than $ 252 million in saffron

Exports more than $ 252 million in saffron,Exports of Agricultural Products, Export Development, Mashhad Chamber of Commerce in Iran, Reduction of Imports, Iranian Saffron, Export of Iranian Saffron, Export of Saffron

Shahrokh Shajari, Director General of the Export Development Office of the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad, at the meeting of the Agriculture and Water Commission of the Mashhad Chamber of Commerce in Iran in the provincial chamber of commerce, stated: “If we compare the export figures of agricultural products in 97 in 96 years, weighing 15.74% Exports of agricultural products from 3 million 950 thousand tons to 4, 575 thousand tons.
He added that 18.74 percent of agricultural exports went up from 3 billion and 844 million dollars to 4 billion and 564 million dollars.
The Director General of the Export Development Bureau of the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture stated: Imports are in fact facing a declining trend, which means we lost 1.26% and 6.94% in terms of value, respectively, during the same period. Weight and value growth and the weight reduction and import value have improved the trade balance in the agricultural sector, which is 8.7% in terms of weight balance and 35.13% in terms of value.
Director General of the Export Development Office of the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture said that during the first eight months of the current year, 170 tons of saffron exports worth 252.4 million dollars, a figure of 36 percent and a 44 percent increase, compared to the first eight months of last year.