Fennel seed distribution in Amlash

Fennel seed distribution in Amlash

Director of Agriculture Amlash said the city has 30 Saffron.

According to the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) – Gilan region, “Massoud Amir servant” Today’s meeting of the city distributing 1.5 tons of seed saffron farm in the city Amlash and said: This is for the development and promotion of saffron in the center Kjyd and the kingdom of 200 to 300 meters in parts of the saffron growers were distributed.

He added that at present the city Amlash 30 in 1.5 hectares of saffron planting activity.

Mr. Amir I pointed out that saffron Perennial plants resistant to harsh conditions such as dehydration, said: The average yield per hectare of saffron this city 2 kg.

Citri scale cooperation in the fight against tea and citrus groves Amlash

Director of Agriculture city Amlash In this meeting pointed out that the increase in biological control of agricultural pests in reducing major concern in agriculture in the city, said the global fight against the scourge scale biological citri tea and citrus orchards in September through the distribution of insecticide useful beetles crypt in 400 acres of gardens, the biological purpose.

Massoud Amir servant said the city has 5,200 hectares of tea gardens and 2936 acres of citrus groves Amlash is.

Expressing concern at the arbitrary measures some ten partners and offices in the permit applications

Amir I expressed that to avoid agricultural land use change and prevent crime in the city Amlash meetings have been held, said the meetings in order to change unauthorized precedent in discussions with the prosecutor, Department of Justice to prevent crime city , the county Office of Roads and Urban Development, Electricity, Housing Foundation and Dhyary and heads of villages Councils held Amlash city.

His friends and arbitrariness of some ten departments in licensing concerns and said severely dealt with these people.

He pointed out the importance of preventing agricultural land use change, said any construction in the rural environment should be carried out in accordance with the legal Agriculture.