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Fried Shrimp Saffron Recipe

ingredients :

  • Shrimp = 1 kg
  • Lemon = 1 soup spoon
  • Yogurt = 2 soup spoon
  • Onion = 1 pcs
  • Flour = 2/3 cup
  • Eggs = 1 pcs
  • Saffron = half teaspoon
  • Salt = to the required amount
  • Bucking powder = 1 teaspoon
  • Pepper = to the required amount

How to prepare:

First we clean the shrimp, we cut it, we slice it, and then we shed it in the onion water that we have already grated it and separated it with water. Plus a little lemon and black pepper. Then we mix it. Close the container and place an hour in the refrigerator.
Spread the sauce for flavored shrimp by mixing flour, eggs, saffron, yogurt, baking powder and salt. Our sauce should not be too tight or loose. If it’s tight, it’s a bit of us, and if it’s loose, add some flour to it. Then remove the shrimp from the onion juice and put it in the liquid, mix and place it in the container and place it half an hour in the refrigerator.
Put a non-stick little dish on the stove and pour in the oil and let it cool. The container should be small so that the oil is taken over the shrimp, after the oil is completely hot, the heat is lowered, and the shrimp is poured into the oil one by one, when one side is golden, we bring the shrimp back to the other side as golden , Be careful that the temperature is too low to ignite the oil.