Good news for saffron farmers on the border of South Khorasan , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, South Khorasan saffron harvest, saffron harvest from farms in South Khorasan, saffron export, Iranian saffron export

Good news for saffron farmers on the border of South Khorasan

The Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Affairs of the South Khorasan Agricultural Jihad Organization said: 11 million tomans of credit will be given to saffron growers per hectare, so that these facilities will be paid in border areas with a 4% interest rate and non-border areas with a 6% interest rate.

Citing the public relations of the South Khorasan Agricultural Jihad, Hadi Bijari stated: In the agricultural sector, 169 billion Tomans of subsidized bank facilities have been notified to the province to implement the production and employment program, of which 31 billion Tomans have been allocated for greenhouses so far.

The Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Affairs of the South Khorasan Agricultural Jihad Organization pointed out how to obtain the facilities and stated: Currently, only greenhouses can be registered, and until another part of the credit is announced, it will be possible to register for other fields in the system.

Bijari announced the introduction of 31 agricultural projects to receive production and employment facilities to operating banks and stated: These projects were introduced to banks in the field of greenhouses to receive facilities of five billion and 500 million tomans.

He stated that the facility payment ceiling is different based on the design and area of ??the greenhouse and there is no limit to the payment of facilities, he said: Currently 62 other projects with a credit of 13 billion and 400 million tomans in the field of greenhouses are ready to be introduced to the bank.

The Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Affairs of the South Khorasan Agricultural Jihad Organization pointed to the new national saffron plan and proposed: This plan is being implemented with a credit of 100 billion Tomans with the participation of three provinces, of which South Khorasan’s share is 37 billion Tomans.

Bijari announced the identification of 130 top saffron growers in South Khorasan and added: The purpose of implementing the new national saffron plan is to improve the quality of saffron produced, and according to this plan, saffron will be purchased from farmers if it has high quality.