Greenhouse cultivation of saffron is a new method , Greenhouse cultivation of saffron, Greenhouse cultivation, Saffron price, Price of warm saffron, Saffron harvest, Saffron cultivation, Economic prosperity in saffron, Medicinal plants ,, Saffron export, Iranian saffron

Greenhouse cultivation of saffron is a new method

Nowadays, advertisements regarding greenhouse cultivation of saffron by aeroponic method (air planting) as well as encouraging people to participate in training classes have become very popular.

However, the trustees and technical experts in this field deny such a claim.
This propaganda is done while in Khorasan Razavi, in the usual way, the annual saffron body is on the surface
86,000 hectares of farms and more than 80% of export products are profitable and strategic in Iran.

Last year, advertisements about participating in saffron planting training classes were broadcast in cyberspace. Initially, interested people started enrolling in these courses, and some even took out loans to cover the high cost of classes.

However, when the time came to harvest the crop and the people did not get the profit from this investment, the plaintiff and the complainant referred to the Jihad Agricultural Organization and asked to follow up on the matter.
According to researchers, the claimants of this type of cultivation are not scammers, saffron onions bloom in a normal room with sufficient humidity, but the expressive and illusory promises reduce their validity.
The chairman of the board of directors of the Iranian Saffron Science Society said: The Ministry of Jihad Agriculture is responsible for organizing the current situation and dealing legally with the teachers of this course due to providing incorrect, unscientific information and baseless promises.