Harvesting 300 grams of saffron in Minoodasht city , Saffron harvest in Minoodasht city, Saffron harvest, Saffron cultivation, Economic prosperity in saffron, Medicinal plants, Saffron harvest in Minoodasht, Minoodasht saffron production, Iranian saffron

Harvesting 300 grams of saffron in Minoodasht city

The director of Minoodasht Jihad-e-Agriculture said: for the first time, 300 grams of saffron was harvested in Klokand village of Minoodasht city.

Issa Ghorbani added: This year, for the first time, saffron was cultivated in one thousand square meters in Klokand village.

He said: the cultivation of this crop was done experimentally in one thousand meters of land in this area, which fortunately a good crop has been harvested in this land.

The director of Minoodasht Jihad-e-Agriculture pointed out: with the success of saffron cultivation in this region, another one thousand square meters will be allocated for saffron cultivation next year.

The victim said: Due to the good harvest of this crop, this region is prone to saffron cultivation, and we hope that the farmers of this region will take action to cultivate it in the coming years.

According to him, the development of cultivation of this crop has a great role in increasing the income level of rural families in this region.

Saffron cultivation in the country is three thousand years old and is usually cultivated in the southern regions of Khorasan.

Harvesting 300 grams of saffron in Minoodasht city , Saffron harvest in Minoodasht city, Saffron harvest, Saffron cultivation, Economic prosperity inĀ