Harvesting 40 kg of saffron in Nahavand Iran

Harvesting 40 kg of saffron in Nahavand,Harvesting 40 kg of saffron in Nahavand Iran,Nahavand, saffron cultivator, saffron cultivation in Nahavand, saffron crop, saffron cultivated in Nahavand, saffron production, saffron cultivation in Hamadan province

Hossein Kheradmand, head of Agricultural Jihad in Nahavand, Iran, said: In Nahavand, more than 26 saffron operators have been cultivating and harvesting this product.
He said that the land under cultivation of saffron in Nahavand and its villages is about 11 hectares, of which about 7 hectares are fertile and produce saffron crops.
Wisdom added: “In the city of Nahavand, which is susceptible to cultivating saffron bulbs, this is done from the beginning of summer, and the harvesting time and harvest time will continue from late October and November to early December.
He said: In November this year about 7 hectares of fertile land under cultivation in Nahavand were harvested 40 kilograms of saffron with a relative yield of 6 kg per hectare.
“The forecast for saffron production in the city is 6 kilograms per hectare per year, which has at least ten million and 390 thousand tomans per kilogram per kilogram,” said the head of Nahavand Agricultural Jihad.
Wahiddam said the Nahavand city is second to the province in terms of production and cultivation area, and this product is sold locally to Nahavand for sale to travelers and tourists and is also distributed to neighboring citizens.
He stressed: “There are two permanent jobs for saffron cultivation per hectare.
It should be noted that this year, 156 hectares of land plots in the province of Hamedan have been cultivated under saffron cultivation, and it is expected that more than 400 kg of saffron will be harvested from these farms.
Low water availability, one-year cultivation and 7-year-old flowering, high valuation, high quality land for cultivation are among the advantages of saffron cultivation in Hamedan province.