Harvesting the Red Gold from the Farms of Kosar

Harvesting the Red Gold from the Farms of Kosar,Harvesting of red gold, saffron planted, harvesting this product, dry saffron, harvesting Iranian saffron, cultivating saffron, Kowsari farmers,

kanaani governor of Kowsar province in Ardabil province said that last year, as a pilot plant, two saffron farms were planted and two kilograms of dry saffron is expected to be harvested due to the start of harvesting.
Kowsar province, referring to the beginning of harvesting saffron from mid-November to three weeks later, added: “Given the favorable weather conditions in Ko’ars to cultivate saffron, Kowsari farmers are keen to cultivate this strategic and high-yielding product in Kosar.
Khanani further announced the price per gram of dry saffron up to 150 thousand Rials, and stated: The average harvest of saffron per hectare varies from 2 to 7 years and ranges from two to ten kilograms.
Saffron is a 7-year-old vegetable, which produces some products for up to ten years.