Health - Know the therapeutic benefits of red gold (saffron) , Therapeutic benefits of red gold (saffron), Saffron harvest, Saffron cultivation, Economic prosperity in saffron, Medicinal plants, Therapeutic benefits of red gold, Iranian saffron

Health – Know the therapeutic benefits of red gold (saffron)

Mohammad Reza Haji Heidari, a specialist in traditional medicine, said about the benefits of saffron syrup: Saffron is one of the medicinal plants with a warm and dry nature and Iran is one of the most important producing countries.

He added: Saffron is used for food with food or with some herbal medicines.

The traditional medicine expert continued: Saffron is joyful and strengthens memory; It also brightens and brightens the skin.

Haji Heidari continued: Saffron with honey has a crushing property and cleanses the urinary system (kidneys and bladder).

The traditional medicine expert added: Consumption of saffron with rose and sugar facilitates childbirth, but its high consumption is not recommended during pregnancy. Saffron also reduces appetite and increases and enhances sexual potency.

Haji Heidari continued: Saffron is diuretic but it causes abdominal tightness. Of course, it strengthens the respiratory system and is useful for shortness of breath and respiratory problems. Consumption of saffron and brewing it helps digestion.

The traditional medicine expert said: Consumption of saffron in hot tempers and people who have seasonal allergies and headaches may increase the temperature and aggravate the disease. In pregnant women, it should be used with caution and very little.

Haji Heidari stated: Saffron is also useful for vascular, hepatic ducts and fatty liver, and its use in cooking makes it easier to digest and better absorbed in the digestive system. This red gold will bring joy and relieve sadness and depression.

He emphasized: Excessive use of medicinal plants such as saffron and cinnamon is not recommended at all.