In Iran saffron brand is less valued, Iran saffron brand is less valued, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, saffron production, Iranian saffron, saffron brand

In Iran saffron brand is less valued

A member of the faculty of Lorestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center said: Saffron brand is less valued in Iran.

Dr. Parvin Ramek stated: Saffron is known to everyone in the world with the Iranian brand, and if this product is Iranian, it means it is original and can be trusted.

He added: In Iran, this valuable brand is less valued and its export in bulk has caused it to take added value from Iranian exports. Export figures show that the countries that have worked on the packaging of this valuable product have always had a very high added value and therefore have benefited greatly from this trade.

This researcher of Lorestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center stated: The total amount of saffron exports to 53 countries of Iran’s export destination in 1392 was 137 tons worth more than $ 200 million. According to the latest customs statistics, about 65% of Iran’s total saffron exports go to the five countries of the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong and India.

Ramak stated: The bulk export of Iranian saffron due to the lack of a proper packaging brand has caused other countries to have the main profit of Iranian saffron.