Increase bulk saffron exports to competitors , Increasing bulk saffron exports, Saffron harvest, Saffron cultivation, Economic prosperity in saffron, Medicinal plants, Saffron, Saffron bulk exports to competitors, Iranian saffron

Increase bulk saffron exports to competitors

Saffron exports in the first five months of this year increased in weight and value, while almost all of this product was exported in bulk and in large packages, namely to the countries that repackaged this product in its own name to all parts of the country. Europe and the United States are the largest consumers of this product.
During the first five months of this year, 68 tons and 640 kilograms of saffron in various packages worth 92 million and 623 thousand dollars have been exported to 54 different countries, but a handful of them have bought almost all Iranian saffron and a share of less than What percentage did they leave for the rest?
Latvia, Austria, Jordan, Spain, Australia, South Africa, Afghanistan, Algeria, Germany, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Pakistan, Taiwan, Turkey, Czech Republic, Republic of Korea , China, Denmark, Japan, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia, Iraq, Oman, France, Finland, Philippines, Kyrgyzstan, Qatar, Canada, Kuwait, Georgia, Lebanon, Poland, Madagascar, Malta, Malaysia, Hungary, Morocco, Mauritius , Norway, New Zealand, Vietnam, India, Netherlands, Hong Kong and Greece are 54 customers of Iranian saffron, including the UAE with 19 tons, Hong Kong with 15 tons, Spain with 14 tons, China with 4.8 tons, Afghanistan with 4 tons. , Germany with 1.5 tons, Italy with 1.2 tons and Sweden with one ton have bought 96.27% of the saffron traded in the world market from Iranian traders, of which almost 100% of these shipments are bulk saffron or finally crushed and ground saffron.

It has not been done that no special operations have been carried out on it and it is an example of the same sale of raw materials that Rouhani had been trying to reduce since the beginning of the 11th government and move towards exporting final and value-added products. Rows and tariff codes of export saffron and a simple account and book can be found that out of 68 thousand 640 kg of exported saffron, only 13 kg was less than 10 grams and 16 kg was saffron powder in a package of 10 to 30 grams, but 99 6.% of it was bulk saffron and not crushed and ground, of which bulk saffron had a share of 72.6%.
Iranian exporters and private sector unions and organizations, including Ali Hosseini, always believe that Iranian saffron exports should be exported to different countries in smaller packages and processed, because it has more value for Iran, which can be obtained by looking at saffron export statistics. Iran’s foreign exchange earnings from saffron exports in packages of less than 10 grams have been almost three times the bulk of saffron exports in bulk and not crushed and ground.

This means that if Iran exports its saffron only in smaller packages and purposefully to the final consuming countries, it can increase the foreign exchange earnings from its saffron exports And 249 thousand Tomans were exported to different countries, of course, only 13 kg of saffron has been exported in this type of tariff, while bulk saffron in large packages, which is usually more than 30 grams, and 72.6% of the export of this product in five This month has been allocated to itself, 1272 dollars per kilogram is equivalent to 4 million and 135 thousand tomans and the price of uncut and unground saffron is not much different from bulk saffron and 4 million and 906 tomans per kilogram has been traded.
Ali Shariat Moghaddam had expressed concern about the export of this valuable product, that Iranian saffron is exported or smuggled to Afghanistan or exported from this country to foreign customers in the name of Afghanistan, but this becomes more dangerous when we know that Afghanistan has become a new competitor for Iran.

Although in terms of price and potential can not be considered a serious threat to Iran in the current situation, but the climate of this country is almost the same as the provinces of South Khorasan and Khorasan Razavi, and this neighbor recently grows saffron in his lands instead of poppies smuggled onions from Iran More interestingly, Iran itself in the past decades in the same way and in the form of a turtle was able to replace Spain in the production and export of saffron, and at that time this European country took the lead, but gradually with increasing saffron production in Iran at a price Lower than its European counterpart, Spain stepped back and gave way to Iran, and today our Iran is the largest and almost the only producer and supplier of saffron in the world with a share of more than 97% in the global market.
Shariat Moghaddam said: The twelfth government is expected to implement its policies, incentives and practical support for the export of non-oil products such as saffron as a driver of growth and development of Iran’s economy in such a way that its impact on trade in such products is significant, because Saffron is the only product that is unique to Iran. If there is a problem for it, other export products will definitely face problems, and on the other hand, saffron as a valuable product has a direct impact on reducing exports of non-oil goods.