Increase cultivation and decrease saffron production in Khorasan , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Saffron harvest in Khorasan Razavi province, Saffron harvest from farms in Khorasan Razavi province, Saffron export, Iranian saffron export

Increase cultivation and decrease saffron production in Khorasan

The deputy of plant production of Jihad Agricultural Organization of the province reminded:
considering the recent droughts and reduction of water resources, the most important strategy of our saffron
growers is to reduce the area under cultivation and increase the average production from the current 3.5 kg to eight to 10 kg per hectare.
The level reduces the production cost of the users.

He stated:
new scientific methods and methods should replace traditional cultivation and new scientific and research findings
should be implemented in the farms of the exploiters.

Sarban announced the implementation of the saffron onion propagation farms project
as one of the measures taken by this organization in order to improve the quality and quantity of saffron products in the province.

this plan seeks to institutionalize general and specialized education for farmers and in the framework
of this plan every farmer will process his product after training.
And this product receives identification code according to saffron quality indicators.
This code indicates the place of planting, the name of the farmer,
the name of the farm, the time of harvest and the time of production.

the program of preparing and preparing seeds, providing chemical fertilizers, developing mechanization, ‌
developing insurance services and facilities to farmers are among the plans of this plan.

He added:
In the discussion of chemical fertilizers, 18 thousand and 500 soils were studied in the province,
based on which 235 thousand tons of nitrogen fertilizer.