Increased level of saffron cultivation in Shahreza city
Director of the Agricultural Jihad Department of Shahreza stated that the cultivation of saffron in Shahreza Farms is expanding, said: According to the red gold harvesting season, it is expected that 3.5 hectares of saffron area will be taken from the city of 14 kilograms of saffron.
He said: The total area of the apple gardens in the city is about 570 hectares, including Red DeLiscious, Golden Delicious, Golab, Kahnz and Soltani cultivars.
Director of Agriculture Jihad Department of Shahreza said: The main area under apple cultivation in Shahreza is in the areas of Kohrooyeh, esfarjan and Honejan, of which 525 hectares are fertile and 45 hectares are seedlings or non-fertile.
Referring to the meeting of the pest control program for pomegranate pomegranate in Shahreza, he said: pomegranate pomegranate worm is one of the major pests of pomegranate product and annually causes significant damage to gardeners in the region.
Taky added that in the fight against this pest, a meeting was held with the presence of the Director of Agricultural Jihad in the city, Director of Preservation of Plants of the Jihad-e-Agriculture Organization of the province, expert expert, experts in plant protection and gardening of the city at the Jahad Agriculture Management Office.
He added that during the meeting the steps taken in the garden city followed and it was decided that a committee to evaluate proposed solutions to combat this pest is formed and after the review, effects of different methods for pest control and reducing introduction of this decision necessary To be
Planting and harvesting of saffron in Shahreza city
Director of Agricultural Jihad in Shahreza said: Regarding the persistence of drought and dehydration in Shahreza, in order to change the crop rotational pattern, in order to increase productivity and more jobs, cultivation of low-water saffron, The crops are located in the city.
He added: “In the past 95-94 years, about 1.5 hectares of land susceptible to covered areas have been allocated to saffron cultivation, and this crop has been cultivated this year for 2 hectares.
Taky said: According to the season of harvesting red gold, 3.5 hectares of saffron area is expected to be harvested in the city of 14 kilograms of saffron.
He said: “It is hoped that with the implementation of the management plan and harvesting this product and increasing the technical knowledge and experience of farmers, we will see a slight increase in the quality of this product in the coming years in this city.
Production of 15 tons certified seed safflower from fields of Mahyar plain in Shahreza city
Director of the Department of Agriculture Branch said to promote the cultivation of oil crops and the production of certified seed of the plant to achieve yielding varieties, high oil and thornless, in collaboration with the development in the cultivation of oilseeds on the farm area Parzan Mahyar 6 hectares of safflower seed Cultivated.
Stating that the farm about 15 tonnes of certified seed was harvested, said Golrang with the desired properties of crops such as relative resistance to abiotic stresses and the oil is favored by more than 90% unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic long as A valuable oil seed has been raised.
Taky said: Safflower seeds produced in Mahyar area will be used by the safflower farmers of the province next year.
Cultivating 400 hectares of raspberries in the fields of Mahyar district of Shahreza
The next year will be returned to the soil as a green manure.
Director of Agriculture Jihad Department of Shahreza added: The cultivar under cultivation in Mahyar area is about 400 hectares this year. Considering the fact that the plant is resistant to dehydration and has high adaptability to weather conditions in the region of Mahyar, It is expected that the cultivar will grow in the coming years.
He pointed out supervision of experts of new information system to promote the management of agriculture of wheat and barley fields and gardens Branch, said in line with the implementation of new information system to promote, experts project the number five wheat field and a garden as a site template monitor.
Taky said: To cultivate wheat and barley at the planting stage in the field of seeding and disinfection of seeds and the proper way of preparing the bedding, and to supervise the garden in the field of construction and feeding, according to the situation in the garden, the recommendations are given to the operators.
source: tasnimnews /com
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