Increasing cultivation of saffron in Kerman province

Increasing cultivation of saffron in Kerman province,saffron in Kerman province,Increasing cultivation of saffron, promoting cultivation of crops, promoting cultivation, economic products, saffron farms in Kerman, saffron farms, the most important areas of saffron growing in Kerman province

Abbas Saeedi, head of Jihad-e-Agriculture Organization of Kerman Province in Iran said: One of the problems of Kerman is the cultivation of water species, and in this regard, the reform of the model of cultivation and elimination of water species has been put on the agenda and in contrast to promoting the cultivation of economically less water Need are in progress.
He noted that the harvesting of saffron farms in Kerman has already begun, and according to studies, the quality of this product in Kerman is desirable.
Saeedi said: There are 200 hectares of saffron farm in northern Kerman province and our forecast is 5 tons of saffron in the province.
He continued: “Fortunately, due to the good harvest and yield in Kerman, farmers welcomed the cultivation of this product.
He said: Due to the sharp reduction of water resources in Kerman, Kerman should move towards reforming the cultivation pattern and provide suitable facilities for the farmers in this regard.
Zarand especially considered the plain of soil as one of the most important areas of saffron in Kerman province and said: Saffron harvesting is ongoing in Kerman until late December.