Increasing saffron production in Bajestan city
The director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Bajestan city, referring to the average production of saffron in 1390 at the rate of 3 kg per hectare, stated:
Increase by 3.5 kg per hectare.
Kazemi added:
This year, the area under cultivation of strategic crops such as wheat has increased from 2,800 hectares to 3,200 hectares
and the production area has increased from 11,200 tons to 13,440 tons compared to 2011.
He stated that the area under barley cultivation has increased from 2600 hectares in 1390 to 3000 hectares in 1391 and its production
has increased from 9360 tons to 12 thousand tons. We are witnessing the past.
He further stated:
In products such as cotton, production has increased from 2700 tons to 2976 tons in 1391,
which means a 9% growth in the production of this product, and in fodder corn,
production from 19200 tons in 1390 to 24 thousand tons in The year 2012 has arrived, which shows a 22% growth in the production of this product.
Referring to the pistachio crop, he announced the average production of this crop in 2011 as 810 kg and added:
This year, the average production is expected to increase to 950 kg due to the favorable conditions due to the care of orchards. .
The director of Bajestan Agricultural Jihad, referring to the naming of 2012 as National Production, Support of Labor and Iranian Capital, stated:
Bajestan Agricultural Jihad has based its policies in accordance with this naming.
He added:
All consulting service companies should use domestic products and avoid the consumption of foreign goods,
and this issue will be carefully monitored by management experts.
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