The influx of Saffron to the market
A member of the farmers ‘ Association rashtkhvar said the price per kilogram of Saffron in the rashtkhvar of four million and 500 thousand USD to four million and 300 dollars compared to the previous day had a price drop.
January in an interview with AFP correspondent Farokhi students (ISNA), the region of Khorasan, noted: these days the level of Saffron harvesting 5000 acres of land rashtkhvar and started manufacturing this product unfortunately farmers are facing losses because of the debt most saffron, harvested their crop plantations to meet their liabilities have been shipped.
Stating that their saffron farmers have to buy at the market and sell nbrand needed, added: the influx of Saffron to the market to buy this product has caused dealers to see because of the overcrowding, the product purchase price with a minimum of farmers.
Farmers ‘ Guild Member rashtkhvar with the mention that the Saffron flower market now in the town of rashtkhvar and usually in Saffron city is enabled, skip added: despite the abundant rain and cold damage over the last few days, now the price of all three kg of Saffron flowers in the city of 160 dollars to 135 dollars has to drop.
According to ISNA, the country’s largest product saffron torbat zaveh, kashmar, rashtkhvar, and may be produced in olat.
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