make saffron ,buy saffron, pure saffron ,bulk saffronAccording to Iranian customs in the first two months of this year, equivalent to 25 tons of Iranian Saffron worth Rs 113 billion have been exported to different countries If Iran saffron exports in the same period last year was equivalent to 27 tons worth 115 million dollars.

According to ISNA, Iranian saffron in the first two months of this year of about 25 thousand and 481 kg (25.5 tons) worth 37 million and 461 thousand dollars or 113 billion and 327 million and 25 thousand dollars were exported to various countries Is.

Description of Iranian saffron exports to different countries is as follows:

Spain is equivalent to six thousand and 691 kg, equivalent to eight million and 28 thousand dollars

Australian equivalent of 42 kilograms worth 83 thousand dollars

Afghanistan is equivalent to one kilogram worth two million and 490 thousand dollars

UAE Arabic equivalent of 11 million kg to 18 million and 643 thousand dollars

The UK equivalent of 37 kilograms worth 69 thousand dollars

United States of America, equivalent to 71 kg worth 121 thousand dollars

Italy worth 195 thousand dollars, equivalent to 125 kg.

Germany is equivalent to 97 kg worth 156 thousand dollars

Bahrain worth 153 thousand dollars, equivalent to 204 Kylvkrm

Bangladesh is equivalent to 6 kg worth 12 thousand dollars

Pakistani equivalent of one kilogram worth 1.5 million dollars

Taiwan is equivalent to 72 kg worth 101 thousand dollars

Turkey is equivalent to 3 kg worth $ 4,000

Czech Republic is equivalent to 2 kg worth $ 4,000

China’s two thousand kilograms worth three million and 332 thousand dollars

Japan is equivalent to 57 kg worth 88 thousand dollars

Singapore is equivalent to 39 kg worth 69 thousand dollars

Sweden is equivalent to 624 kg worth 947 thousand dollars

Switzerland is equivalent to 201 kg worth 344 thousand dollars

Iraq worth 35 thousand dollars equivalent to 21 kg.

Oman, equal to 31 kg worth 53 thousand dollars

France worth 268 thousand dollars, equivalent to 205 kg.

Philippines equivalent to 5 kg worth $ 8,000

Qatar worth 290 thousand dollars, equivalent to 369 kg.

Canadian equivalent to 18 kilograms worth 44 thousand dollars

Kuwait is equivalent to 111 kg worth 175 thousand dollars

Lebanon is equivalent to 4 kg worth $ 6,000

Norway is equivalent to four kilograms worth $ 7,000

Malaysia is equivalent to 28 kg worth 45 thousand dollars

Nepal equivalent to 28 kilograms worth 42 thousand dollars

Dutch equivalent of 404 kilograms worth 192 thousand dollars

Hong Kong 766 kg worth a million and 124 thousand dollars

Greece equivalent to 10 kilograms worth 18 thousand dollars

According to ISNA, the Iranian Saffron in the first two months last year with the capacity of 27.4 tons worth 40.7 million dollars or 115 million dollars to various countries including Germany, Bahrain, China, Japan, Switzerland, France, Holland, Canada, Kuwait, etc. have been issued.

Iranian saffron is one of the important customers in the past year Saudi Arabia. According to Iran’s Customs, in the first two months last year Iranian saffron exports to Saudi equivalent of 2.3 tons valued at three million and 116 thousand dollars.

The list of destinations Iranian saffron exports from the country in 1395, has been removed.