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Iranian saffron Gonabad city in the world

Hamed Ghorbani in the planning session of the celebration of world registration, agriculture system and production of Gonabad saffron based on the aqueduct, which was held on May 25, in the village of Sano.
He said: By holding this festival, Gonabad saffron will be global.
The victim added: The purpose of holding this type of festival is to brand saffron in Gonabad and Sano village, and the owners are farmers and traders, and they must cooperate to hold this festival.
The victim said: this is the first way and by holding this festival, we announce our existence, saffron
Snow has the talent to acquire global items.
Merchants and traders have to work hard, and it is a popular issue and it creates competition in the villages for globalization.
The governor of Gonabad acknowledged: Inviting the public sector in these meetings is not important, and it should be invited.
Merchants, factory owners and investors should be considered, and we should spread the red carpet for investors to come to the city and use these capabilities.
The FAO report states: Gonabad saffron is considered as one of the geographical indicators of Iran.
The share and rank of Iran’s production and exports in this field is a proof of this claim, that this country to
The title of the first producer and in terms of quality is unique among other countries in the world.