Iran saffron crocus onion and two standard burden
Department of Agriculture Ferdowsi University said that the standard onion and two problems in Iran saffron crocus, said onions are not standard and are bought and sold in bulk. The bulk of the flowers thrown in a van. So that’s our first priority is to organize the production of saffron.
According to ISNA Alireza Kochaki today in a panel discussion titled “Iranian saffron in international fields” was held at Ferdowsi University, said at the Fifth International Symposium on Saffron which was held in Morocco, about 74 people from 15 countries Company Iran had the largest number of participants was 25 participants.
He continued: What we found in this symposium, is that it seems saffron is cultivated anywhere in the world except Iran. Saffron fields anywhere in the world as it exists in our country, there is so definitely a product of Iranian saffron. The next symposium will be held in Iran in 2018 and given that the theme of saffron and health, pharmacy and medical schools will be involved in this symposium.
Department of Agriculture Ferdowsi University pointed out that saffron is the world’s most expensive substance and plant that grows in certain places, pointed out that the cultivation of saffron in Iran is different, even at the Fifth International Symposium on Saffron In this regard, as well as several different numbers, now the Ministry of Agriculture announced last year produced 350 tons of saffron.
Small in relation to the cultivation of saffron, stating that there are different statistics, said: It is true that statistics say Iran is desert. We have nothing regularity, system, pattern and are not accountable in the way we saffron.
He continued: As long as we do not find order and the system will still have a problem. Progress begins in order and that there is in our country. Anyone who decides for himself the head and a kind we can sit together and decide together.
94% of Iranian saffron is the world belongs to
94% of the world a little saffron in Iran and noted: 5% of the global trade in saffron. Saffron Klyfrvshy worldwide profits of a billion dollars, half of which related to Iran’s $ 500 million saffron in Iran.
Department of Agriculture Ferdowsi University said that while in the past 10 years, every year 40 thousand hectares of saffron land area but have not increased performance. Saffron is cultivated area in the next 10 years to reach 130 thousand hectares. Now saffron is cultivated in 21 provinces and authorities have said that we want to output 598 tons of saffron per year with this speed and this trend will not be possible.
He said 148 thousand saffron farm in Khorasan operating income of 82 agricultural and horticultural crops cultivated in Khorasan, more.
Small pointed out that saffron ecologically stable agricultural systems of the pillars of sustainable economic, technical, cultural, etc., saying no system in Iran is more stable than saffron. This product has a very high efficiency of water use efficiency and social environment, and cooperation creates.
Department of Agriculture Ferdowsi University added: saffron along with 77 thousand jobs for 160 thousand manufacturers created. Saffron 220 person-days per hectare per year in work culture requires that 10 percent, 25 percent and 64 percent of the collected and isolated farm maintenance is concerned.
He emphasized that technology is at Fennel gone, he said: It is for this reason that sativum developing countries, and if it was related to other countries, the spread of technology, but in the near future to be smart technologies because there will be a new generation of people will be working on the farm. In June the only thing that the traditional work culture is changing and growing in the past have been carried out in September.
Professor, Department of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of saffron in relation to other issues, said: cultivation is rising sharply. Climate change has created problems and changes in flowering time of other problems for us.
Saffron should be registered as natural heritage
He pointed out that saffron fraud is a global problem, pointed out in this respect, we would not launch the World Association of saffron. Identify all our saffron is and should be moved to the side to identify it. Saffron as a natural heritage should also be recorded. Kashmir but we have done it with this acreage is still able to do this.
Iranian saffron in a small per capita consumption to 1.5 grams per year, and pointed out that only 15% of exports, and the rest is exported saffron packaging is done in the sack. 50 to 70 percent of the world’s saffron is fraud and this fraud of saffron can be started from moisture. Now in 1500 known types of fraud and saffron.
He said the problem is that instead of being rational look at the issues we feel we handle things. All the officials know the mode of transmission and distribution goals is lower than the standard level.
Health benefits of saffron much of its profits more
Tavakol doctor Afshar, president of the Traditional Medicine Department of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, on this occasion said that the main benefits of its anti-cancer saffron is used in medicine. Since 1380 many things have been done in the Faculty of Bu-Ali for cancer. The Institute is currently Saffron is the first pharmaceutical product to be marketed antidepressant and anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer drugs on the job.
He pointed out that the anticancer effect of saffron to cause cell death, prevent radical reactions and so on. Due to the strong growth of cancer in the community, and it is the anticancer properties, saffron is more work.
Doctor Saqib, an internist, stating that the drugs have different natures, said saffron taste is warm and dry. If the material is dried in the hot dry season and in hot and dry climates administration, we create a disaster, but given the warm and dry in cold and warm area will have a greater therapeutic effect.
He pointed out that the saffron in the treatment of depression, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, etc. are used, said that if these issues be considered in therapeutic applications saffron, saffron results that we have in public health, far saffron will be more profitable sales.
A shooting on the daily consumption of saffron said saffron in healthcare is different for different people; for example, the saffron stimulating nerves and tempers them for patients who have bile, causing the vitality.
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