saffron iran medication to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s
Iranian researchers using Safrotin herbal extract produced . This drug is useful for treating Alzheimer’s disease and reduces symptoms in patients .
This drug is useful for treating Alzheimer’s disease and reduces symptoms in patients .
The manufacturer of this drug Jamaluddin Jamali member team of the National Science Fair on Tuesday marginaliza holding forth to practice in dialogue with science journalist , IRNA said making the medication has lasted over 5 years .
He said Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia in the elderly , and the symptoms of this condition can be weakened by progressive memory and all cognitive functions , emotional , speech impairment , inability to detect disturbances in the time and place walking noted.
walking noted.
Jamali said: This is the first herbal medication to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and in making the extract on the weak and moderate Alzheimer’s disease in a clinical trial has been reviewed.
He pointed out that the drug par with drugs imported from outside the country and its people can take to prevent Alzheimer’s disease .
Jamali said that Saffron iran is safe for different age groups on the basis of what has been used in traditional medicine Saffron iran improves mood , human conservation.
He won the National Award of Avicenna medicine and is managed by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education , and has received permission to enter the market soon .
Fourth National Science Fair and the Festival of the action by offering over 1,000 patents to commercialization pm today – Tuesday – the Feast of Imam Khomeini (RA ) continues.
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