It is not economical to grow saffron in a greenhouse , Not profitable saffron cultivation, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, saffron cultivation in greenhouses

It is not economical to grow saffron in a greenhouse

Rasoul Darvishian, a researcher in natural resources, said: Some people try to deceive the public opinion by publishing Rajab materials on growing saffron in a greenhouse and the high cost of advertising and promising high profits.

He added: Employment and entrepreneurship of these large-scale profiteers is not profitable at all, to buy saffron onions at a high cost or take them out of the ground, and keep them at a high cost until they are put in a box or tray at the end of September And be placed on the shelf under appropriate conditions.

According to this researcher, after harvesting the flowers, and in suitable weather conditions and at a cost, they should be returned to the ground, because otherwise the onions will not reproduce and after the initial flowering, the onions will die.

He clarified that it has been said that in greenhouse planting of saffron, if the onions are large, they will produce more stigmas: Large onions cause more stigmas with any principled and scientific planting method, and it is not only related to greenhouse planting.
Darvishian pointed out: 75% of agricultural lands in Lorestan are rainfed and employment and entrepreneurship should be created in this position.

This senior expert in natural resources engineering added in the end: Lorestan province has a lot of rainfed agricultural lands, considering this matter and suitable climatic conditions, we should go to saffron cultivation in low-yield rainfed lands.