Kebab Harbor Fish Saffron Recipe, How to make fish, portraits, Kebab Harbor Fish,Kebab Harbor,Kebab,Fish Saffron

Kebab Harbor Fish Saffron Recipe

ingredients :

  • Fish fillet = 1 kg, Chopped
  • Liquid Oil = 1/4 Cup
  • Abelim = 6 spoon
  • Onion water = 6 spoon
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 4 spoon
  • Salt and red pepper = to the extent required

Instruction :

First Preparation Method:
1. Mix the oil, marigold, onion and saffron juice and sprinkle salt and pepper on it.
2. Fill the fish pieces thoroughly and pour into the oil container and wait at least one hour for the fish to taste.
3) Fish on a sycamore and grill on charcoal to make both sides of it roast and golden.

Second procurement method:
1-Use turmeric, red pepper and garlic powder instead of saffron. Then remove water onion.
2. Because it is possible that the fish will be crushed when separated, it is best to serve it in the same way.
3- A few seconds before removing the barbecue from the fire, apply a little butter flush on it.