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Khalal Kermanshahi stew cooking recipe with saffron

Khalal stew is one of the types of Iranian stews that originally belongs to the city of Kermanshah. Khalal stew is one of the most majestic stews in Kermanshah, which is prepared in special ceremonies and days. The use of substances such as barberry, cinnamon, Omani lemon, rose and saffron makes this stew have a wonderful aroma in addition to its good taste.

ingredients :

  • Salt and turmeric = the amount needed
  • Cinnamon stick = the amount needed
  • Chopped almonds coarsely = 250 g
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 1 cup
  • Rose = 5 tablespoons
  • Tomato paste ‌French = 2 tbsp
  • Onion = 1 pcs
  • Barberry = 1 cup
  • Butter = 1 tbsp
  • Meat = 300 grams

Instruction :

Chop the onion and beat the turmeric and fry in some oil until soft Then add the minced meat, fry until the color of the meat changes.

After changing the color of the meat, add the tomato paste, Cook a few minutes, then pour 4 cups water And close the pot to cook the meat over a gentle heat.

Soak the sliced almonds in warm water for about 10 minutes until soft Then Saffron mixed with hot water for 5 minutes and soak (Rub a small amount of saffron and dissolve in boiling water and put on steam for 15 minutes to brew and color).

When the stew water is low, add sliced almonds, saffron and cinnamon stick (It should be the size of a fingertip on a stew of water), Reduce heat to low and simmer for about 30 minutes.

After this time, add barberry, rose and butter to the stew Allow the stew to set for another 30 minutes on low heat. After cooking, remove the cinnamon stick And measure the salt in the food, then pour it into a bowl and serve with rice.

Stew tips:

For this stew, it is better to use mutton If the water inside the stew is high after cooking, increase the heat a little so that the excess water evaporates.
The reason for using cinnamon stick instead of cinnamon powder is because the color of the stew does not darken;  If you wish, you can add some Omani lemons along with adding chopped almonds.

Be sure to remove the cinnamon stick from the stew after cooking
If you want the stew to be colorful, it’s best to cover the bottom with boiling water
If the turmeric is too red, it will make the stew bitter. Do not fry it for more than 20 seconds.