Khorasan saffron market resting

Khorasan saffron market resting

The head of Khorasan Razavi Saffron Exporters Union said given that a large part of the production is exported to Europe because of the Christmas holiday market, the domestic market is at rest.

Gholam Reza Miri in an interview with Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), the region of Khorasan, because price stability is currently closed markets in Europe and added Europe after the holidays may have a large number of orders. Naturally, the orders will get better prices.

Chairman of Saffron Exporters Union said the province means better prices, stable and not volatile because of fluctuations in the market price of saffron would not work with the program.

He pointed out the importance of non-oil exports due to recent shocks, he said: to strengthen infrastructure and investments in non-oil exports and reduce dependencies on oil until the oil just to do construction and infrastructure costs.

Going from an increase of 30 percent in the first 9 months of this year’s export of saffron in the province and said: According to the latest statistics, in January this year, the export of 18 tons and 951 kilograms of saffron in Mashhad in December last year, these figures were 17 and 984 kg is. In October this year, 15 tons and 338 kg of saffron from Mashhad issued the figures in the same period last year was 10 tons and 798 kilograms.

Naturally, the orders will get better prices.

Chairman of Saffron Exporters Union said the province means better prices, stable and not volatile because of fluctuations in the market price of saffron would not work with the program.
He pointed out that the current market is relatively stable saffron. Saffron market prices are not rising.