Khorramdareh city is one of the areas prone to saffron cultivation , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Saffron harvest, saffron export, Iranian saffron export, saffron cultivation in greenhouse

Khorramdareh city is one of the areas prone to saffron cultivation

The head of the agricultural jihad of Khorramdareh city said: According to the results of studies, Khorramdareh is one of the potential areas for cultivating saffron in Zanjan province.

Alireza Asadollahi, stating that saffron is one of the water short-term products, said: This product has been cultivated in Khorramdareh city for many years in the form of small plots and gardens.

He pointed out that the tendency of the city’s farmers to cultivate crops that need plenty of water has sounded the alarm about the decrease in the city’s groundwater level due to the water shortage crisis, noting that changing the cultivation pattern requires culture building.

Asadollahi stated that during the studies, it was determined that this product can be cultivated in Khorramdareh city, and specified: Currently, the area under cultivation of this product in the city is 1.2 tenths of a hectare.

The official stressed the need to promote saffron cultivation in the city due to the current water crisis and the reduction of groundwater aquifers in the city, stated: It is predicted that the area under cultivation of this crop in the city will increase up to 5 times.

Asadollahi stated that in order to promote the cultivation of this crop, extension classes are held for the farmers of the city and the course certificates are awarded to the participants, adding: providing expert opinions from planting to harvesting and preparing suitable seeds is another support of Jihad Keshavarzi. Is a product.

The director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Khorramdareh city emphasized that using farmers’ opinions from the opinions of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi experts leads to the production of a healthy and quality product, and reminded: Currently, the saffron product produced in the city is of good quality and is often sold in the city itself.