bulk saffron , iranian saffron , sargol iranian saffron supplier, organic saffron Saffron is one of the products that the customer should pay attention to while buying the best choices.

The World According to Asr-e Iran, while “safflower” and even corn awn similar look and feel, and some traders profit saffron, saffron principle of the customer rather than sell it.

Fraud in the sale of saffron :

  • Color cream-colored saffron stigmas in chemical or synthetic colors.
  • Add some materials that are similar in appearance, such as safflower saffron stigmas.
  • Add saffron artificial colors in order to improve its color.

At the same time applying the low sales is the weight of saffron as well as other methods of fraud. Add salt and sugar to Saffron to increase its mass in this type of fraud there. Therefore, one of the diagnostic tests that will have a bitter taste of saffron, but if it tastes sweet or salt, ie a salt or sugar added to it.

However in general those who sell counterfeit products, they lack the complete and correct packaging manufacturer.So generally recommended with high fraud cases in saffron and hardware diagnostics to the public,Officially licensed by the governing body of saffron sure that the food was not prepared.It is clear that to ensure the production license logo on the packaging above.

Way to detect fake saffron

The original diagnosis of the branches of Saffron , Saffron is the simplest method,Because of the stigma three-pronged plug and the upper part of the lower horn that comes out thinner It also has some spicy taste, but if you are powdered saffron is detectable only by laboratory devices. However, there are other ways to do so.

The first method: the apparent differences between plants: corn awn straight, but is curved saffron flag.

The second method: a piece of saffron put on a gas flame in this case, pure saffron or orange to purple color that comes to potassium is concerned. But in the case of counterfeit saffron yellow color is created.

The third method: If the saffron strands brown paper (newsprint) put a little pressure and we should not leave grease stains. If so, the chances are it’s a fake saffron.

How to store saffron

Saffron, especially after you grind away from light and moisture and stored in glass cup, because according to the oil (aromatic substances) Saffron can evaporate if improper maintenance, its essential oils evaporate over time and the pharmacological effects and the taste is reduced and its quality is lost.

A health advice

At the time of purchase saffron packaging and specifications listed on the package, including a number of building permit And operation of the Ministry of Health, date of manufacture and expiry and address of the manufacturer note.