kuku zucchini Saffron Recipe,kuku zucchini,kuku,How to cook zucchini green, zucchini kuku nutrition tips, ingredients, ingredients for kuku, kuku cooking,

kuku zucchini Saffron Recipe

ingredients :

  • zucchini medium = 6 pcs
  • Eggs = 4 pcs
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 1 spoon
  • Flour = 1 spoon
  • Milk = 2 spoon
  • Salt and pepper = enough

Instruction :

Rinse the zucchini after washing and without scrubbing, with a diameter of 1 centimeter. And sprinkle a little salt on them. Then squeeze the zucchini in some oil (you can grate zucchini)
Mix in flour and milk in a dish and add eggs to it. Mix the resulting mixture with a fork, stir well. Then add the fried dish with a little salt and pepper and saffron to the mixture. After the oil is hot in the pan, pour the kuku liquid and flatten it.
Put the cake in the pan to get the kuku and get it fry. After that, turn the kuku with the pad and place it on the other side, then fry, then the kuku is ready to eat.