learn how to make Saffron Panna Cotta
Panna Cotta is an Italian dessert made with cream and gelatin inside the mold. This coffee dessert, vanilla and other types of additives are flavored.
3 pcs. Milk
Sugar 1 cup
Cream a package
Gelatin powder 3 tsp
Vanilla 1/4 teaspoon
Rose 2 tbsp
Saffron to the required amount
How to prepare:
I dissolved the gelatin powder with cold water and dissolved it on an indirect heat using a Ben-Mari method to create a clear liquid. (On the steam kettle)
2. Lion, saffron, sugar in a saucepan and pour it to boil. If the color of the saffron is not good, you should add it to your favorite color by adding it to the saffron.
3- When it comes to boiling, add rose water and vanilla. If you pour the rose from the first, it will bunch the rose and bite it. Now we add gelatin, which is also temperature, and add it to the material and let it cool down.
4. Open the cream. We make some cream to get it open. You do not have to form a lot.
5. When the temperature of the cream and dessert is added, we add the cream to the material. It is better to first add a little cream in the cream and add the rest of the ingredients and stir well when diluted. If it does not get too hot, it’s cream!
6- We’ll throw the mold and put it in the fridge.
source: bartarinha .ir
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