Making the first film about saffron in Iran

Making the first movie with a saffron theme,Making the first film about saffron in Iran,saffron in Iran,Saffron theme,Saffron product,Saffron product in Torbat Heydarieh city

Mohammad Hassanzadeh, the head of the Department of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Torbat Heydarieh in Iran, said: “The film has been directed and directed by Omid Eshghi, a graduate of the cinema.
He added that the movie “Red Treasure” is a cinematic story featuring Tehran’s cast and Torbat-i-Haydiriya artists and the subject of the film about the lives of a farmer, brokers and saffron tourists who will be dealt with accordingly.
The head of the Department of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Torbat Heydarieh, regarding the purpose of making this film with the subject of saffron, stated: Saffron has been able to take the first place as a strategic product, as well as a dry product in the world, and therefore the script It was presented to Tehran and it requested that it cooperate with the Gang Sorkh filming group in Torbat-i-Hadiriyah, Iran.
He added: “One of the duties of the Department of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Torbat Heydarieh is the support of this film, and in this city all the organs have provided the necessary support because the product of saffron in the city of Torbat Heydarieh is very important and the construction of such a film with the theme Saffron was welcomed and supported.
Hassanzadeh noted that the fields and the various spaces needed to make the film and the filming are in this area, and now the filming group has begun its work and it should be noted that the cinematic film “The Red Trench” due to the compilation and taking Supervisory Board approval is unlikely to be released by next year.