Mechanized harvesting saffronMechanized harvesting saffron


Agricultural Jihad Organization of Khorasan Razavi improving plant production assistant deputy said in favor of mechanized harvesting saffron production.

According to the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) – Khorasan region, Mohammad patient Bylndy 25 June at a press conference held at the Organization of Agricultural Jihad, said the mechanized production of agricultural products the issue is important, first, to culture mechanization of the harvest and its quality increases, but on the other hand this way, we saw an increase in unemployment in the agricultural sector.

agriculture and an increase in exports and maintaining export markets, which choose a policy of maintaining a strategic product for export markets and the development of mechanization in saffron production.

Bylndy patient continued in the past two mechanization credit line of 80 million dollars was allocated in the course of last year and 52 billion USD in the year of notification, this amount of credit to attract applicant cities have been notified .

He expressed that the development of agriculture and horticulture Rahkay development of mechanization with new technology, said some of the problems and is losing its place in the world that in order to go to the mechanization of agricultural production move forward.

Acting Deputy Agricultural Jihad Organization of Khorasan Razavi on greenhouse cultivation in the province, said a total of 184 hectares of the 150 hectares of the province’s greenhouse vegetable production and 27 hectares devoted to ornamental plants.

Stating that there are 879 units in the greenhouse, said the number of direct jobs is for 3719.

Bylndy patient said: greenhouse cultivation development program this year and it was decided to add 70 acres of greenhouse cultivation.

Acting Deputy Agricultural Jihad Organization of Khorasan in response to a reporter’s question about the possibility of increasing levels of greenhouse cultivation According to the year 1404 to 1000 ha, said the increase in capacity, but this must be exported in the form of dedicated facilities in order to make mechanisms , otherwise it will be useless product development Greenhouse.

He greenhouse products of the problems for exports, he said: Terms of special crops, we must identify the target markets for this purpose.

Bylndy patient stating that the greenhouse cultivation are not ranked in the country, said the hydroponic greenhouses covering 40 percent of the first rank in our country.

200 percent guaranteed purchase of wheat

Acting Deputy Agricultural Jihad Organization of Khorasan Razavi said so far 93 thousand 300 tons of wheat to farmers to ensure they have purchased in excess of the figures over the previous year growth of 200 percent.

Bylndy patient pointed out that fortunately particular problems in frostbite and heat exhaustion did not have products, said little damage to agriculture is not the province has 193 thousand hectares of wheat and 125 thousand hectares of wheat were produced in the province.

Acting Deputy Agricultural Jihad Organization of Khorasan Razavi on the first rainfall so far this year, said the March to 22 June, 202 millimeters of rainfall had a 22.8 percent growth compared to last year, but 3.8 percent compared to the previous rainfall We reduced rainfall, the situation is certainly better than last year’s performance of farms.

He predicted production of 664 thousand tons of wheat in the province and said the amount of 410 thousand tonnes of surplus farmers need to be guaranteed that they will purchase.

Bylndy patient said a third of the wheat produced improved seeds becomes and this year more than 20 thousand tons of improved seeds and water will homebred, over a period of four years of improved seeds to 75 percent.

Acting Deputy Agricultural Jihad Organization of Khorasan Razavi on the combine in the country, said currently 540 indigenous and 600 combine harvesting combine migrant labor in the province and, in general, 80 percent of the wheat and barley harvest with the combine .

He said that this year 160 hectares of irrigated and rain-fed barley is harvested, said the amount of 55 thousand tons has been guaranteed purchase price of USD 920.

Bylndy patient about pest control, said this year is generally 245 thousand hectares of agricultural lands, fight weeds and pests of wheat and barley has been done.

Growth Incentive grant the governor of the province of crops , these statistics in 91 to 47 licenses in 92 years, 210 licenses and permits last year reached 667.

He added that the 74 hectares of agricultural land to produce 135 thousand tons of product with the majority of the products include melons, tomatoes and potatoes are.

He said that in the design of products produced by farmers who are able to receive the incentive, said with this issue in terms of pest control, the use of chemical pesticides also have executive and the use of other biological and mechanical in Crop 93-94, 37 thousand and 277 hectares of agricultural land were covered by the IMP.

Bylndy patient aim of this project towards production the agricultural sector, he said: In general, 90% of the products produced in the province are able to receive this certificate.