Medicinal properties of saffron


Based on experiments that have been conducted in Europe , saffron reducing fat and cholesterol and increased penetration of oxygen in plasma in mice has shown .

Commons medicine around the world saffron sedative antispasmodic appetizer and tonic stomach used.

Germany saffron as a sedative, is used to treat stomach and abdominal pain and asthma . Elimination of this plant to treat dysentery fever jaundice , enlarged liver and spleen Amnesty notes tract as well as lowering blood sugar and sometimes is used to treat skin disorders .

Medicinal properties of saffron

Medicinal properties of saffron

In Chinese herbal medicine, saffron occasional treat chest congestion , stimulate menstrual flow and relieve abdominal pain used . Due to its bitter substances facilitate digestion provides the other hand, due to essential stimulant effect on the nerves .

Analgesic effect of therapy on the surface nerves of the body. Have to distinguish the past from a range of health benefits as a sedative, expectorant expectorant , exhilarating , stimulating the stomach, sexual stimulant , relieve muscle spasms and binding rules have also been used as an abortion .