Medicinal uses of saffron

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Over the last twenty years , with clear severity of the side effects of chemical drugs , has revived the desire to return to nature and the number of patients across the world are interested in herbal therapy .

Among the herbal medicinal properties of saffron has a certain radiance due to a long history of traditional medicine and the wide range Saffron Saffron is the treatment of diseases .

Below are some of the findings of modern science confirms the medicinal properties of saffron in common and dangerous today, explains:

Alzheimer’s medicinal properties of saffron : Saffron Extract , Quercetin , or crocin , due to strong antioxidant activity , in the treatment of brain disorders, including Alzheimer’s , Parkinson’s and MS can be useful . Medicinal uses of saffron . 

To pursue studies in men and women with Alzheimer’s disease , aged 70 to 90 years , it was clear that a daily intake of saffron will increase learning and memory.

Medicinal properties of saffron in the treatment of cancer and tumors : Many of the carotenoid extract of saffron are the carotenoids , free radicals and superoxide anions has attracted special and thus protect cells from oxidative stress and antioxidant balance in the immune activity (as opposed to synthetic drugs ) , anti-cancer effects and may reduce the risk of mutation .

Medicinal properties of saffron in the treatment of depression : One of the most common diseases of the modern age and cause of mental and nervous diseases , stomach and other parts of the digestive system and is currently an indirect antidepressant effect of saffron and wash- borne disease , depression, one of the most important aspects of treatment poses for saffron .

Medicinal properties of saffron in the treatment of stroke and heart disease : reducing the risk of heart attack – because of the melting of fat around the heart and lower cholesterol , prevent clogging of the arteries and improving the performance increase , the increase in arterial blood pressure and heart strength , due to the presence of riboflavin and thiamine .

Tincture of Saffron – Saffron and Alcohol 70% – more than all of the above is common in the world .
 The medicinal properties of saffron to create the most favorable conditions and thus treat iron deficiency anemia and iron deficiency in females.

Currently authoritative scientific world such as PDR Medicinal uses of saffron and Commission E on the capabilities and applications of pharmaceutical properties of saffron special attention .