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Medicine and Health – Saffron masks for all skin types

Saffron face mask is a natural and effective way to care for the skin. This mask is ready in just a few minutes and it is simple and easy to prepare. Saffron can do wonders when used on the skin, saffron has many properties for the skin.

1- Saffron and yogurt mask for oily skin:
If you want to improve your oily skin, you should use a saffron and yogurt mask. Soak a little saffron in yogurt for a while.
Then add a tablespoon of lemon juice and mix. Wait until the yogurt turns yellow. Apply this mixture on the face and then wash off with cold water.
2- Saffron and strawberry mask for normal and normal skin:
Saffron and strawberry mask, you should use this mask every day. Take a few strawberries and mash them to make a paste.
Add two to three strands of saffron to it and let the mask sit on it for a while. Then rinse with cold water. Strawberries contain a lot of good vitamins and proteins that can help improve and brighten the skin.
3. Saffron and flour mask for combination and combination skin:
Saffron and flour mask is suitable for combination skin. Your skin is generally dry, except for oily areas. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of flour and a few strands of saffron with a little milk. Apply this mask on the face and then wash off with cold water. Using this mask can help you have an acne-free skin and your skin glows.
4. Saffron and sandalwood mask for dry skin:
Saffron and sandalwood mask, this face mask helps to improve radiant and beautiful skin. Mix a tablespoon of sandalwood powder with a little milk. Then add some saffron and leave it for at least an hour.
Apply this mask on your face. Leave on for 30 to 40 minutes to dry and rinse with cold water. Using this face mask is very good for dry skin.

5. Saffron and aloe vera mask for oily skin:
Saffron and aloe vera mask should be used regularly. Take some saffron and dissolve them in milk. Add two tablespoons of aloe vera gel to it and mix it together and apply on your face. Allow to dry and then rinse with cold water.
6. Saffron and milk mask for acne prone skin:
Add 3-4 saffron strings to 1/4 cup of milk and let it soak for 3 hours and use this saffron milk for your face. Wash it off after 10 to 15 minutes.
Milk is a natural firming agent that helps maintain and cleanse your skin.
Saffron helps reduce acne and improves skin blemishes. Follow this treatment only if your skin is not allergic to dairy products.

7. Saffron and sunflower seeds mask for light skin:
Mix 4-5 sunflower seeds and 3-4 saffron strands and wait for an hour. Grind all the ingredients together when the milk starts to turn yellow.
Apply this firm paste on your face and let it dry, then rinse with plain water.
Do this two or three times a week.
8. Saffron and yogurt mask for clear and radiant skin:
Saffron makes your skin glow and this mask really brightens and brightens your skin. As mentioned earlier in the introduction of skin beauty masks in moist, the use of yogurt (rich in calcium and B vitamins), which is a natural lactic acid, and its combination with enzyme-rich honey allows saffron compounds. That penetrate the skin. Honey is a natural moisturizer and softens the skin.

Half a cup of organic yogurt
3 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon saffron
Preparation method:
Mix yogurt, honey and saffron to create a light golden color.
Apply on skin and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
You can add a few drops of lemon, some sugar and a few drops of coconut oil.
Combine all of the above with the above and let stand for 10 minutes.