North Khorasan saffron has a brand , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Saffron harvest, saffron export, Iranian saffron export

North Khorasan saffron has a brand

The head of North Khorasan Agricultural Jihad Organization said: North Khorasan saffron has a brand.

Abdullah Yousefi, pointing out that the city of Farooj has a good potential in saffron production and is one of the potentials of the province, added: creating a brand for an agricultural product should be done by the private sector and organizations.

He continued: In this regard, one of the private sector organizations is consulting with Canada to receive the desired brand for saffron products. A brand does not create a product on its own and it takes time.

Yousefi pointed out: Sometimes, in order for a product to be introduced as a marketable product in the society and for customers to ensure that they buy it, they have to use a series of international standards.
For this reason, in order for this company to be able to export saffron to North Khorasan and present it internationally, it is consulting with one of the international companies whose brand is accepted by the world.

The official stated that the area under saffron cultivation in North Khorasan was 590 hectares last year and said: During this period, we have managed to harvest three tons of crops. The saffron harvest last year increased by 12% compared to the previous year in the province.