Persian Carrot Kebab Saffron Isfahani Shami Recipe,Persian Carrot,Persian,Carrot,Kebab,Saffron,Isfahani Shami Recipe

Persian Carrot Kebab Saffron Isfahani Shami Recipe

ingredients :

  • Oil = to the required amount
  • Turmeric = to the required amount
  • Salt = to the required amount
  • Saffron = tip of teaspoon
  • Water = 1/4 cup
  • Sugar = 1/4 cup
  • Grated onion = 1 pcs
  • Chickpea flour = to the required amount
  • Persian Carrot medium Grated = 4 pcs
  • Sheep Meat = 250 grams

Instruction :

Mix the minced meat with a little salt, turmeric, onion and turmeric and knead.
Add a teaspoon of chickpea flour to the meat mixture and rub until the kebab is firm.
Fry the minced meat to the size of a walnut and fry it in hot oil.
To make kebab nectar, mix sugar and water and put on heat to dissolve the sugar, then add the saffron and set the nectar aside.
Place the fried kebabs on the bottom of the pan and pour the nectar over the kebabs, then simmer on low heat for 30 to 45 minutes until the nectar is absorbed by the kebabs, then place in the desired dish and serve.

If you want the kebab to taste delicious, you can mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar with 2 tablespoons of date juice and use it as a nectar.
If the kebab sauce does not thicken, you can add a chicken egg to the kebab sauce.