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Picking saffron in Sar’ein city

Director of Agricultural Jihad in the city of Sar’ein said harvesting of saffron, which began in mid-October in the city of Sar’ein, with the harvest of more than 12 kilograms of dried saffron from the saffron fields of the city ended.

Mohammad Ibrahim Mohammadi said today that Saffron Faren Saffron has started harvesting more than 12 kilograms of saffron from Saffron Farms in the city.

He added: “Saffron cultivation has been carried out at the level of more than 5 hectares of the province. Considering the profitability and climate conditions of the region for producing this product, as well as the desire of the farmers of the region to cultivate it, it is expected that cultivation of this product In the coming years, the region will continue to rise.

Director of Agricultural Jihad in Sar’ein said saffron is one of the most expensive herbs that has both oral and pharmaceutical consumption. Among them, Sar’ein Saffron has a very good aroma, flavor and color that is well-placed in the sales markets.

Mohammadi said: changing the pattern of cultivation and developing and promoting strategic and important products that have a high rival value and have a very low water requirement, in line with resistance policy policies, is the priority of this management.

Director of Agricultural Jihad in the city of Sar’ein stated: “The effort and seriousness is to encourage farmers to develop the areas of cultivation of saffron in the city so that we can enjoy the good and appropriate income farmers.

source: tasnimnews /com