preferential tariffs on exports to solve the problem of saffron production and exportation / planning for next year’s 5 don’t

Ali sharia premier said in an interview with the economic journalist , IRNA added. Iran fetches only unique product and the latest survivors of the generation of Iranian products in the world ‘s vulnerability , so that was a copy of the Persian carpet Iranian pistachio and rival as America’s.
Export Development Fund, saffron , referring to the five – year plan 140 tonnes of saffron production in Afghanistan at the behest of the country’s president to replace some products said Iran with the production of 350 thousand tons of saffron, the world’s biggest exporter in the world and the country experiences quality production and packaged saffron Iran did not record the Sassanid period . So the presence of 30 countries such as Afghanistan , Malaysia , South Africa and the Netherlands pose a threat to saffron Iran but this is important for the future .
the sharia premier stressed, last year, exports of saffron Iran with 30 percent reduction in some items to China and India , and this makes the advantage of exports to these countries saffron Afghanistan .
He said that while in the past was as Iran must manage the saffron Afghanistan , now with regard to the bombing by 50 percent tariff 30 for saffron Iran by China and India and support from the European countries, the issue of non – tariff saffron , Afghanistan, Iran and transit .
 black pepper in front of the tariff reduction saffron
The producer and exporter of saffron sample using preferential tariff country with these countries, one of the solutions , ” and added to free the black pepper tariffs to zero tariff saffron Iran .
the sharia frontline marketing development in developed countries and Southeast Asia that have high purchasing power and their culture is tied with healthy food from other solutions . “
* * * * less than 50 % Iranian saffron called Iran exported.
He said: saffron crop and is facing risks , which need the support of the short – term and long – term , so that is needed , and formulated , but all these theoretical form prepared , but in practice strict action has been taken seriously and we plan for the next five years, saffron production and exports .
the sharia premier stressed, unfortunately, we cannot claim 50 percent of saffron Iran packaging and in the name of Iran is issued , and this is one of the challenges .
He added: “ We try to produce quality and packaging and branded saffron Iran serious planning .
front with the sharia , saying that the cost of saffron in Iran is lower than that of other countries , he added, as though some of our producers per hectare between three and 3.5 kg saffron harvest , but we also have a producers in every harvest  30 kg and it shows a leap in have produced little quality , health and saffron .
* * * * Growing saffron development offer low water and medicinal herbs to the Ministry of Agricultural Jahad
chairman of the commission of the chamber of commerce, industry , agriculture, mining and agriculture Khorasan Razavi said, referring to the production of proposal saffron Becker , health and quality of the Ministry of Agricultural Jahad said our climate is running dry, so it must be the advantages and export products less competitive with its water needs like a crocus and medicinal herbs to water plants to accept and its trade balance .
the sharia premier added to put priority saffron cultivation and medicinal herbs export boom , increasing production , an increase of  , maintaining employment and even some sort of reducing migration villages to cities .
He went on to say : ” Our farmers , a new generation of children are old farmers need to support the planned are unfortunately this support is limited. as well as other products in saffron should act on a competitive advantage in this context that things had failed , for example, the National Council for saffron exists and demand its but has a specific plan and does not work.
According to the Export Development Fund, saffron , saffron production in Iran from 30 tonnes per year to 1368 300 tons and Iran export record 200 tonnes of saffron in years . as well as the average per capita consumption of saffron in Iran is a warm and annual 80 tons of saffron production in the country .
IRNA reported last year , exports of saffron Iran to China and India due to the support from the European countries, Afghanistan and the tariff for saffron Iran is facing problems .