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Prevent blindness by consuming saffron

Australian scientists have claimed that consuming saffron seasoning prevent blindness.

Scientists at the University of Sydney have found in their experiments that saffron,
which is used in many Mediterranean foods and diets,
can prevent blindness in the elderly.

In the experiments, the researchers prescribed the pill to the volunteers for three months,
and showed signs of significant improvement in their vision.

Experts in Australia and Italy have claimed that this fragrant plant can be a key factor in prevent ing blindness in the elderly.

The researchers found that this herbal spice also acts as a natural spectacle;
It protects the eyes from damage caused by strong sunlight.

Patients’ vision improved after taking saffron pills, said Professor Sylvia Beasti,
a researcher at the University of Sydney and lead author of the study.

The chemical composition of saffron is quite complex, said Professor Bisti.
This plant has antioxidant properties, but no researcher has previously discovered its effect on maintaining visual acuity.