Price instability is the most important challenge for red gold , The most important challenge of red gold, Saffron harvest, Saffron cultivation, Economic prosperity in saffron, Medicinal plants, Price instability Red Gold challenge, Price stability The most important challenge of red gold, Price instability The most important challenge of saffron

Price instability is the most important challenge for red gold

The instability of the price and the decrease in the price of red gold due to the problem of improper planting of saffron, which was done without considering the reliable water resources and the aging of saffron fields, is one of the most important challenges in red gold production in Sabzevar.
Saffron in Sabzevar, like other cities in the province, faced water shortage problems this year due to drought, so that in some villages, water is still supplied by tanker.
Mircholi, one of the saffron growers in Hassanabad village in Sabzevar, points to the falling price of saffron and says: With the current trend, saffron farmers will suffer. Most saffron growers in Sabzevar are dissatisfied with the fall in saffron prices and call for government support for saffron growers.
Ahmad Rahimi, the deputy of Sabzevar agricultural jihad, pointed to the cold of 2007 and frost and the increase in the price of saffron and said: This made farmers want to cultivate saffron without considering suitable lands and even providing a water source.
According to him, increasing the area under cultivation without observing the necessary items caused problems in saffron production in Sabzevar city, however, measures have been taken for the problems of saffron growers.
He announced a 15% increase in saffron production in Sabzevar city this year compared to last year and stated that the area under saffron cultivation in the city is about 1400 hectares.
He stated that more than 80% of saffron cultivation area in Sabzevar city is in the sixth district, 10% in Rudab and another 10% in other areas of the city, he specified: it is predicted that we will harvest about 6440 kg of saffron, which is more than last year Shows a 15% increase.
Rahimi went on to discuss the special features of the saffron product, such as adaptation to the desert climate, water shortage needs, employment and its exchange rate, and said: This product has a special place in the cultivation pattern of Sabzevar city.
Deputy of Jihad Keshavarzi of Sabzevar city, stating that one hectare of saffron needs 280 working days, pointed out: considering 200 days of employment for a permanent job, saffron product has created about 2000 permanent jobs in the city in the field of production.
Seyed Farid Habibi, in charge of horticulture affairs of Sabzevar Agricultural Jihad, said: Price instability, saffron planting without regard to reliable water resources and the age of saffron farms are the most important challenges in producing this product in the city.
He pointed to the holding of continuous training classes for farmers by implementing the plan to save saffron farms in previous years and the ideal plan of saffron farms and specified: The purpose of this measure is to increase saffron yield from 1.7 kg per hectare to 4 to 5 kg.
According to him, observing the principles of planting during feeding, fertilizing and irrigation of saffron fields is effective in increasing the production yield and quality of saffron.