Production of 5400 kg of saffron in Sabzevar city
Sabzevar Agricultural Jihad Deputy Director and Director said: 5400 kg of saffron has been produced in Sabzevar this year.
Mansour Barghomadi stated: This amount of production is from 1500 hectares with an average yield of 3 and a half kilograms per hectare.
He said that this year’s production compared to last year represents a growth of 20 percent, adding: This percentage increase is due to the increase in the average yield of saffron production per unit area, which is due to proper farm management and proper distribution of rainfall.
Barghmadi advised farmers who want to grow saffron: Choose this product for cultivation according to the water resources you have.
He added: The belief that saffron is a low-water product is not true; Because the saffron product requires at least five full irrigations and tanker irrigation is not economically justified.
In this regard, the head of horticulture of Sabzevar Agricultural Jihad in an interview with ISNA, referring to saffron cultivation lands, said: Due to the short length of most canals in the region, the yield of this product depends on the amount of rainfall.
Mohammad Azimi-Nejad advised saffron growers: to strengthen onions and increase the average production yield in the next year after flowering, at the same time with the second irrigation (alum water) at the rate of 50 kg per hectare of nitrogen fertilizer and one month later with the third irrigation at 50 kg Use ammonium nitrate fertilizer per hectare.
He also added: in February and March, between 3 to 4 times, spray saffron fields with micronutrient fertilizers and in May, the yellowing of saffron leaves, the last irrigation (yellow water) should be done.
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