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Production of Iranian saffron more than the world needs

A member of the National Saffron Council announced the production of more than 300 tons of saffron in the country and said: Some brokers bring their stray money to the saffron market and harm the producer and consumer by buying and selling this product; It seems that there is a serious determination to ruin the credibility of Iranian saffron.

Ali Hosseini stated: This year, saffron had a good production and more than 300 tons of saffron is produced in more than 80,000 hectares of lands under saffron cultivation, which is 10% more than the needs of all countries in the world.

Referring to the average yield of about four kilograms of saffron per hectare, he added: The average harvest of this product can be increased to 10 kilograms per unit area, but the uncontrolled increase in production of this product and the play of some brokers with the saffron market is a serious threat to Iranian saffron.

Brokers store saffron in their homes with stray money
The member of the National Saffron Council continued: Some people buy the product from the producers with their stray money without any information and role in the saffron market and store it in their homes to create a false shortage in the market and after increasing their price they can make overnight profits. Find.

Hosseini said: These brokers are very wrong, because they make overnight profits in a short period of time, but the capacity of consumption and trade of saffron in the world is limited, and they can not sell their stored product at any price they want as long as they want And the day will come when the price of saffron will lose its upward trajectory and from that day on, the traders will start to lose and realize that they were sorely mistaken.

Chinese traders welcome semi-pure saffron
He said: Some foreign traders and traders are also satisfied with this situation and are looking for such brokers, because for example, some Chinese traders are wandering the streets of Khorasan province looking for semi-pure and mixed saffron, which has a lower price, and On the other hand, the brokers join hands with them and disrupt the saffron market, as if there is a serious determination to take the Iranian saffron in a direction that no one else trusts.

A member of the National Saffron Council stated: The world price of saffron is 1400 dollars per kilogram, which means about 4.5 to five million tomans, and its domestic price should not exceed 4.5 to 5.5 million tomans per kilogram, but some people play in this market at any price they want. they do.