Production of more than 200 tons of Iranian saffron next year , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Saffron harvest, saffron export, Iranian saffron export

Production of more than 200 tons of Iranian saffron next year

The head of the National Saffron Council of Iran said:
Considering the suitable rainfall that we have had in recent months, we predict that in the next crop year,
our country’s saffron production will be at a desirable level and will reach more than 200 tons.
Ali Hosseini mentioned the area under saffron cultivation in the two provinces of South Khorasan and Khorasan Razavi
as the saffron production hubs of the country, more than 600,000 hectares and noted:
Last year, about 140 to 180 tons of saffron were produced in the country.
Since the price of saffron is much higher than other agricultural products,
it seems that the farmers producing saffron in our country are the most prosperous farmers.
In this regard, the head of the National Saffron Council of Iran, while rejecting this matter, stated:
Although the level of saffron cultivation is high, but the production performance of this product in our country is low.
He added that each farmer harvests 3 to 3.5 kilograms of saffron per hectare, adding:
Every farmer has to collect 150,000 saffron flowers to get one kilogram of saffron, which, of course,
makes producing this amount of flowers a lot of suffering and hardship.
It follows that in South Khorasan province, most of the saffron farmers have a low level of cultivation.
Hosseini emphasized that not having a high level of cultivation makes production unprofitable for small producers of saffron, adding:
Although some people produce saffron on a whim and saffron production is one of their few jobs,
but in some areas such as South Khorasan saffron production is the lifeblood of the people and their lives depend on the production of this product.
The head of the National Saffron Council mentioned the cost per kilogram of saffron for the producer of one million and 600 thousand tons and said: the amount of cost that the farmer has to produce saffron is different from the selling price of this product and usually below the cost price of this product from them It is purchased. End of message