Production of saffron farms without water and soil in Bardaskan, Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, Bardaskan saffron harvest, saffron harvest from farms in Bardaskan city , Saffron Export, Iranian Saffron Export

Production of saffron farms without water and soil in Bardaskan

the entrepreneurs of Bardaskan saffron products was harvested and entered the production stage without water and soil.
Ms. Azam Ravati said:
The cultivation of this product has
in my house, an area of ​​30 square meters total of 500 kg of pure saffron onions has in 85 classes.
He said:
saffron is from mid-November to mid-December number of flowers per kilogram is 1170 flowers base number is 18 to 22 grams number is 2170 the stigma is 12 to 13 grams of dried flowers.
He continued:
This product is aerobic without water, soil and aroma is better than ground saffron :
I recently learned and practiced this method from my website and friends.
In 1393 when Khorasan Razavi first slaughtered saffron in Bardaskan
in this way the initial cost of the project was 12 million tomans.
Bardaskan is located in Khorasan Razavi province and until 1995. together with the city of Kashmarformed the old Tarshis.
important communication routes from east to west and from south to north and looks like a crossroads between them and in the past,
it was located in one of the main trade routes of Khorasan to other parts of Iran.
Through the desert, according to the latest statistics in 1390,
there were 72626 people in 21201 households.