Projection of 5 tons of red gold in Bardaskan in Iran

Projection of 5 tons of red gold in Bardaskan in Iran,Agricultural Jihad in Iran, Saffron, saffron yield, saffron harvest in Bardaskan, Khorasan Razavi, Bardaskan, harvesting season, dry saffron, modern irrigation systems in saffron

Hussein Mohammadi, Director of Agriculture Jihad in Iran, Bardaskan, Khorasan Razavi, said that the harvest of red gold has begun from 2,000 and 500 hectares of Bardaskan farms.
Hussein Mohammadi added: Saffron harvesting in Bardaskan is continuing until mid Azar.
He added: Saffron yield per hectare is 2 kg, and it is expected that at the end of the harvest season, 5,000 kg of dried saffron will be harvested from this level.
Bardsan Agricultural Jihad Director estimated the value of harvesting output to be 400 billion rials.
Mohammadi said climate change and successive droughts have reduced production and land use in Bardask.
He quotes water abstraction in recent years as one of the other reasons for reducing saffron crop production in the city.
Bradesan Agricultural Jihad Director announced the use of modern irrigation systems in saffron, convenient packaging and processing, stability in the markets and exports to neighboring and European countries, among the most important ways to increase production and prices.