properties of the harms saffron

saffron properties , medicinal properties of saffron , especially the advantages of saffron , [ categoriy ]

saffron properties , medicinal properties of saffron , especially the advantages of saffron , property saffron , saffron in traditional medicine, medical benefits saffron , disadvantages growing saffron, the fruits of saffron , saffron , traditional medicine, the properties of vegetables, fruits, properties of saffron properties in traditional medicine, saffron benefits in traditional medicine, traditional medicine and medical herbs – medicinal herbs



saffron that the title of the golden spice has allocated 3 thousand – year – old has a history of medicine . The native spices European and Asian countries , often in Spain , Italy , France , Greece , Iran, China and India. saffron has several properties . in it , ” ehow was quoted as saying ” the properties of saffron and disadvantages .

* property :

for improving the performance of the digestive system and increasing appetite is useful .

Since warm nature , coughing and cold .

inflammation and stomach acid .

Add tepid fetches milk before going to sleep to eat and sleep .

saffron solved in milk , drought and skin rashes .

Since the circulation , kidney , liver and bladder .

of the menstrual pain .

In addition to the blood , anti – inflammatory properties .

gum massaged saffron with water , and inflammation of the mouth .

A recent survey shows that the saffron has cancer proof .

with anxiety and depression .

use of saffron , wounds and burns improve faster .

To reduce cholesterol is very effective .

of skin tumors and rheumatoid prevention .

* drawbacks of saffron :

excessive consumption during menstruation, increasing the amount of anxiety .

its consumption has changed is the colour of their skin .

due to possess warm nature may result in diarrhea , loss of water and discharge blood through urine .

its consumption pregnant women is not recommended.


traditional medicine and medical herbs – medicinal herbs – Khurasan newspaper