Saffron is a plant native to Europe and Asia, often sold dried as Spice And the tail is used. As you all well know the Spice It’s also very expensive. The reason is that about 400 thousand stigmas of the saffron plant, just one kilogram of these Spice What’s on us.
Menstrualpain relief:
In past years, saffron as a stimulus for the mobility of the menstrual menstruation in women who did not, were neatly. The dill plant is also brewed to reduce bleeding uterus, facilitates the bleeding and reduce the pain of menstruation can be used. of course, this tea should not be consumed by pregnant women because it has been seen in a number of research that leads to spontaneous abortion the fetus.
Anti depressant:
saffron tea is also used to treat depression. It is reported that get a lot of tail, or, Spice the Saffron is causing a sense of joy and gladness.
Cancer prevention:
saffroncontainscarotenoids, andaccording to thescientificfindings, thesecarotenoidsare the variousreactionsagainstcancer,a malignantcancerof the canceroma(sarcomas develop)andlymphoblastic leukemia andinhumansin the past.
Heart health:
according tostudies,it has been reportedthatsaffron teafromthe accumulation ofcholesterol in theblood vesselsto prevent,and thuscan help preventheartdisease.
theSaffronbrewedformoderate to severeabdominalpainsandthe upper part ofthe abdomenis effective.As well as thelargeintestinemembranepainsalsohelpscalm.
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