Rashtkhar saffron has the capacity of globalization brand , Iranian saffron, saffron harvest, saffron cultivation, economic prosperity in saffron, medicinal plants, saffron harvest, saffron harvest from Rashtkhar farms

Rashtkhar saffron has the capacity of globalization brand

I started my work with 200 million Rials and now, in addition to creating employment for 7 people, I am trying to introduce the Rashtkhar saffron brand to the world markets.

Ali Sanati, a typical entrepreneur of Rashtkhar city, in relation to the activities carried out in the field of saffron in this city, said: Rashtkhar Red Gold Makers Cooperative Company (Saffron Sharafat) in 1390 with the aim of creating employment and eliminating intermediaries and improving the quality of saffron with a capital of 200 million Rials Founded and started working.
He further added: During this period, we have succeeded in receiving the national standard mark and health monitoring ID and registering a brand with the name of Saffron Sharafat and creating employment for 7 people in the city.
This exemplary entrepreneur of Rashtkhar city further stated: Saffron Sharafat Company in Rashtkhar city is the first and only company in Rashtkhar city that has succeeded in obtaining the standard mark and health monitoring ID.
Sanati also asked for more support from the people of the city in introducing the Rashtkhar saffron brand to the world and stated: We hope with the support of the people throughout the city of Rashtkhar and the use of new sales and marketing tools, including online stores, and considering that Statistics received from the agricultural jihad of the city based on gaining the third rank of saffron production in the country last year, we can get the real position of the city and even get the first and second rank in this field by not leaving this product from the city.
In the end, he said: Rashtkhar saffron has the capacity to become one of the saffron poles even in the world, and this will be accompanied only by the efforts and help of dear people in Rashtkhar city and the special attention of farmers.