recipe for baking fatty bread with Iranian saffron, Fatty bread with Iranian saffron, Fatty bread, Fatty bread with saffron, Local food, How to prepare fatty bread with Iranian saffron, Tips for baking fatty bread with Iranian saffron, Cooking training with saffron

recipe for baking fatty bread with Iranian saffron

This delicious and fragrant food called fatty bread with Iranian saffron is a delicious and delicious Iranian food that is cooked as follows. Follow the continuation of this cooking article in the cooking section of rowhanisaffron site. Shushtari fatty bread is a very tasty and delicious food that was prepared for wedding lunches in the not so distant past. Mutton thigh, head or neck is used for the meat of this food. This food is very fatty and its excellent taste is doubled with animal oil.

ingredients :

  • Mutton = 500 g
  • Peeled and crushed chickpeas = 2 cups
  • Onions = 3 pieces
  • Oil = 2 tablespoons
  • Saffron mixed with hot water = 3 tablespoons
  • Raisins = as needed
  • Salt and turmeric = as needed
  • Animal oil = as needed
  • Taftoon bread = number of people

Instruction :

1- In preparing this food, you must first peel the peas. To do this, soak the peas from the night before. Then squeeze the skin between two fingers. After peeling, you should double peas. (That is, cut it in half.)

Alternatively, place the peas on a clean cloth. Then massage them with a device such as a glass or hand. Finally, wash them under running water to peel them. When you have done this, set the peas aside.

2- Peel the onion and chop it finely. Fry in oil until golden. Then add the meat to the onions and fry a little. When the meat changes color, add turmeric and salt to the meat. Then pour some water into the meat and allow the meat to simmer.

3- After the meat is half cooked, put the peeled and cobbed chickpeas in the food along with the saffron and wait until the meat and chickpeas are fully cooked and fit.

4- Pour the last 10 minutes of cooking into a small bowl of animal oil and make hot onions. Add raisins and turmeric. You can even add some saffron to these ingredients. As mentioned, fatty bread can also be prepared without raisins.

5- To serve the food, you should put a tandoori or taftoon bread in a tray and pour some broth on it and dip both sides of the bread in broth. Then pour the meat ingredients, raisins and onion on the bread and fold it in half. Of course, you can already put the pieces of meat in a frying pan containing raisins and hot onions. Then place all ingredients together on soaked bread.

Important Notes:
– The amount of oil in this food is more than other foods.
– The water of this food should be low and you have almost a concentrated food.
– The more meat this food has, the tastier it becomes.
– Pieces of fatty bread meat are smaller than minced meat.
– If you eat this food with pickles, you will definitely enjoy eating it more.
– Eating this food is not recommended for people who have cholesterol because it is very fatty.