recipe for baking meat cake with Broad bean and Iranian saffron, Meat cake with Broad bean and Iranian saffron, Meat cake with Broad bean, Local food, How to prepare meat cake with Broad bean and Iranian saffron, Tips for cooking meat cake with Broad bean and Iranian saffron, How to prepare different types of steaks, Cooking training Saffron

recipe for baking meat cake with Broad bean and Iranian saffron

This delicious and fragrant food called meat cake with Broad bean and Iranian saffron is a delicious Iranian food that is cooked as follows. Follow this cooking article in the cooking section of rowhanisaffron site.

ingredients :

  • Coarse onion = 2 pcs
  • Oil = 2 or 3 tablespoons
  • Soft meat of thigh marrow = 1 kg
  • Saffron = a small amount
  • Broad bean = 300 g
  • Tomato paste = 2 to 3 tablespoons
  • Chopped tomatoes = 2 to 3 pieces
  • Yufka dough (filo) = 4 to 5 sheets
  • Liquid milk and oil = 1/4 cup of each
  • Eggs = 1 pcs

Instruction :

Add the washed meat, which you have chopped into large pieces, to the grain so that the pot does not cool down. Otherwise, it will be dehydrated and the cooking time will be longer.

Roast the meats a little, but be careful not to overcook them.

Pour a little saffron on the meat. Pour 3 to 4 glasses of boiling water into the pot next to the meats to almost cover the meats. After boiling, turn down the heat to cook with the lid closed and heat gently and evenly for one to two hours.

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.
After cooking the meat, pour the clean bean kernels into the meat, add the salt and pepper, and when the kernels are soft, remove the pan from the heat (provided the meat juices are completely absorbed). If there is still water, remove the lid of the pot and increase the heat to drain the meat.

In a saucepan, pour two or three tablespoons of tomato paste and stir until the tomato paste is raw and the flesh is red, add the chopped tomatoes to the food and remove from the heat after 3 to 4 minutes.

Grease a Pyrex or ceramic bowl, mix the milk and liquid oil with the egg whites and stir lightly with a fork. Take slices of dough (the size of the bottom and walls of the pan), so that some of it returns to the ingredients, and then cut. Grease the bottom and walls of the dish, placing sheets of dough inside so that the excess dough hangs out of the dish. Rub a little solution (milk, oil and egg white) on each slice and put up to 5 or 6 layers on top of each other. Spread the cooked and prepared ingredients on the dough and return the excess dough to the dough.

Make 5 to 6 cuts from the dough to the size of the bottom of the dish and spread on the ingredients and rub the edges of the prepared solution. Place the rhombus-shaped slices on the dough. Garnish the dough with egg yolk. Heat the food in the oven (at 180 degrees). Place on the middle layer (until golden). You can use the same dish to serve food.

Cooking Foot: On top of the dough, you can pour a mixture of milk and liquid oil to make the dough stick together.