recipe for cooking Akuri zucchini and Persian saffron, Akuri zucchini with Persian saffron, Akuri zucchini, Akuri zucchini with saffron, local food, how to prepare Akuri zucchini with Iranian saffron, tips for cooking Akuri zucchini with Iranian saffron, cooking lessons with saffron

recipe for cooking Akuri zucchini and Persian saffron

This delicious and fragrant food called Akuri zucchini with Iranian saffron is a delicious and delicious Iranian food that is cooked as follows. Follow this cooking article in the cooking section of rowhanisaffron site.

ingredients :

  • Large zucchini = 3 pcs
  • Eggs = 4 pieces
  • White flour = 1 and 1/2 tbsp
  • Turmeric = 1/4 tablespoon jam
  • Sugar = 3 tbsp
  • saffron levigated = 1/4 teaspoon
  • Cinnamon = 1/4 teaspoon
  • Oil = for frying
  • Salt = enough

Instruction :

Wash and peel the pumpkins. Grate them in a large bowl. Add eggs, flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt, turmeric and saffron to the grated squash and mix well with a fork until smooth.

Put a round pan and pour oil in it and put it on medium heat. When the oil is well heated, gently pour the cocoa mass into the pan and spread it, and smooth it with a spoon. Increase the heat for a few minutes and then set it to medium. Put in the pan.

After 15 to 20 minutes when one side of the dough is well browned. To fry the other side more easily, divide it into 4 parts. Then turn each part over. Do not put the pan this time and let the dough fry for 20 minutes on low heat. Once the food is ready, you can eat it with bread.

If you do not like the color of the dough or cocoa, you can add 1/2 tablespoon of tomato paste to the yeast.
If you use fresh zucchini, you can wash them well and grate them with their green skin.